How is Rama’s story perceived in Nepal, the birthplace of Sita?

How is Rama’s story perceived in Nepal, the birthplace of Sita?
Eleven songs that decode Nepal’s capital city and its many avatars
San-Dai has never visited China but speaks fluent Mandarin and is catering to Nepal’s Chinese tourists.
An essay-review of Dalit: A Quest for Dignity, and how caste has been central to the imagination of the Nepali state
In 1800, a monk who called himself Swami Nirgunanda arrived in Banaras. His name was Rana Bahadur Shah, king of Nepal, and he was ready to give the kingdom away.
In 1950, a bunch of Nepali revolutionaries decided to smuggle in guns from Burma to overthrow the Ranas. This is their story.
Bleak landscapes and brooding detectives with personal demons are par for the course in books and TV now because of Swedish writers Maj Sjowall and Per Wahloo.
Qiu Xiaolong is a poet, translator and critic whose crime books starring the reluctant detective Chen Chao show a side of China beyond the news.
My columns mostly talk about Nepali history, culture and politics, with notes from some travels across the country.
Limi valley in Humla, Nepal, is a trans-Himalayan settlement. I spoke to its MP about how Kathmandu has ruled it over the years.